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Silence is a Storm

“Wind” by Ted Hughes is a short poem about an unhappy relationship and how that makes their house feel like a storm.

The speaker begins by saying the house has been out at sea all night, which creates an image of solitude and a feeling of being lost. This is a similar feeling to how one reacts when a relationship begins to turn. The house no longer feels like home, but like a storm or a ship out at sea.

Later on in the poem, after a particularly well-crafted line of alliteration, the speaker compares the house to a green goblet that might shatter. This echoes how fragile the relationship has become between these two people. They continue on, telling of how they simply sit as the house moves its roots again, changing and shifting on the wind. They have done nothing, it seems, but the relationship continues to change anyway. They can do nothing to change it, except wait to see where they are tomorrow.


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