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“Mr.Green” by Robert Olen Buttler has a lot of detailed description that beautifully illustrates his purpose about how people have moral influences. The story’s theme explores the patriarchal influence on the narrator’s (a little girl’s ) sense of self through the use of the grandfather’s perspective on a woman’s role in a family (society).

    ” My grandfather explained about the spirit world, how the souls of our ancestors continued to need love and attention and devotion. Given these things, they will share in our life and they will bless us and even warn us about disasters in our dreams. But if we neglect the souls of our ancestors, they will become lost and lonely and will wander in the kingdom of the dead no better off than a warrior killed by his enemy and left unburied in a rice paddy to be eaten by blackbirds of pray.”

Butler uses a lot of descriptive languages to give examples of how the grandfather in the story believes a lot of moral influences and why they should live by them. This example really has one thinking about how someone can live by certain beliefs and leaves them thinking what would life be if they didn’t think like that.

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