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The jack-o’-lanterns

“Yours” is a short story written by Mary Robison about a 35-year-old named Allison and her husband, Clark, who is 78; they live in Virginia. They spend their time together carving pumpkins. Clark compliments Allison on her carving skills, she doesn’t believe his compliment, telling Clark that his lantern will look the same once lit. Later that same night, Allison dies. After this occurs, Clark goes to watch the lanterns.

He watched the jack-o’-lanterns. The jack-o’-lanterns watched him.

This last sentence causes the reader to realize what Clark see’s when he looks at the jack-o’-lanterns. How the pumpkins are a work of art that Allison completed and how she is symbolized in the jack-o’-lantern.

One Response to “The jack-o’-lanterns”

  1. A little more effort at analysis here would be nice…

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