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Optimists by Richard Ford begins with a man named, Frank, looking back on the events of his past. At the time he was only 15 years old, so while portraying these events he already knows the outcome. He begins discussing the possibility of his father losing his job at the railroad, and his outlook upon it.

“They’ll do something for us, but it might not be enough”

Reflecting on his father always saying this multiple occasions during this time. Causes him to believe that his father was an optimist, well at least he thought. This quote is significant because it relates to the title but as well, to each character’s outlook.

Even while reflecting back on this story Frank is still unsure about the events that occurred. While discussing the conversation of Mr.Boyd and the father, Frank says,

“I could tell from his tone of voice that he did not like my father.”

This shows Franks unsureness about the entirety of the story looking back on it. Especially the part after Roy hits Boyd Mitchell. Frank even after all of these years still addresses the event as if he is unsure of the state that Boyd was in, and whether or not he was dead. Later to realize Boyd Mitchell was. Now their life as a family would never be the same.

Towards the end of the story, Frank admits that over time he can no longer remember facts he once knew so well about his father; how his own perception overtime about Roy and his mother changed drastically. Yet the end at the end when seeing his mother at the grocery store, when she turned away. Frank seemed to finally be at peace once left alone.



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